Code of Professional Conduct


Public and client confidence in the Institute is dependent on Members acting professionally and ethically in all their dealings. This Code of Professional Conduct establishes the minimum standards of behaviour required of Members.

The Code of Professional Conduct


Public and client confidence in the Institute is dependent on Members acting professionally and ethically in all their dealings. This Code of Professional Conduct establishes the minimum standards of behaviour required of Members.

Objectivity of Advice

A Member will provide advice to clients that is objective and independent.

Unrealistic Expectations

A Member will give clear expectations of their work for clients. They will not encourage unrealistic client expectations or promise clients that benefits are certain from specific management consulting services.

Assignments Accepted

A Member will accept only assignments for which they have the skills and knowledge to perform.

Conflicting Assignments

A Member will avoid acting simultaneously in potentially conflicting situations without informing all parties in advance that this is intended and dealing with any concerns raised to the satisfaction of all parties.

Conferring with Client

A Member will ensure that before accepting an assignment, a mutual understanding of the objectives, scope, approach, and fee arrangements has been established and that any personal, financial or other interests which might influence the conduct of the work have been disclosed. Where material changes are required, the Member will confer with the Client to obtain agreement before changes are implemented.


A Member will ensure that assignments are undertaken in a timely manner in accordance with the approach agreed with the client.

Commissions and Financial Interests

A Member will not accept commissions, remuneration or any other benefits from a third party in connection with recommendations to a client without the client's knowledge and consent.

A Member will disclose any financial interest in goods or services which form part of such recommendations.


A Member will refrain from inviting an employee of a client to consider alternative employment without prior discussion with the client.

Professional Approach

A Member will maintain a fully professional approach in all dealings with clients, the public and fellow Members. In support of this Members must not:

  • Engage in any activity which might impair their judgement.
  • Make false or misleading statements.
  • Act in any way which discredits the Institute.

Compliance by Members

All Members must act in accordance with to the Code of Professional Conduct. Non-compliance may result in action in accordance with the Institute’s Constitution and Bylaws.


Any member of the public or the Institute may make a complaint about a Member's behaviour in relation to the Code of Professional Conduct to the Secretary. The complaint will be processed in accordance with the Institute’s complaints process.